Prepare yourself for an avalanche of photos. Here we go.
We went to San Antonio last weekend. Here are some pictures from the Riverwalk, Sea World, and the Natural Bridge drive-thru Safari. We had a great time. San Antonio was beautiful, and the weather was perfect. Sea World was amazing; we even got to see one of my "oldest" friends, Jen, and her family. I can't believe I forgot to take pictures with them!
This ostrich was seriously aggressive. They weren't kidding.
The kids INSISTED on making a pumpkin pie from scratch. Until I asked them to scoop out the pumpkin guts. "Ewwww."
This thing stung me:
This is what I look like:
Betty in her ladybug costume, and Jonas as Max from the book Where the Wild Things Are. Also see cute pictures that Justin took here and here.